Powwow Information

The 2022 UIC Powwow will be held Saturday, September 17th outdoors!

After a hiatus due to Covid, the UIC Powwow returns to campus on September 17th, Saturday, outdoors on campus in conjunction with UIC Open House 2022!

The annual Native American Support Program Powwow is a community and cultural event that recognizes and highlights the indigenous presence on the UIC campus. The event brings together Native craft vendors, Native food, dancing, and drumming as a way to bring awareness to the Native community at UIC. The event is meant to be a showcase of the strong relationships with other Native organizations in Chicago and invites the general UIC community to learn more about indigenous people and culture.

To join our Powwow Planning committee, which will begin in March 2022, reach out to Tol Foster at tafoster@uic.edu

Details of this event will be posted here as they are finalized.  Mark your calendar!

Sign up to be a vendor or information table here: https://forms.gle/3crxWzLjyZUfeJoJA

Volunteer Interest Form: https://forms.gle/5rfNSvpHMeaxKdmB7

We encourage you to register on Eventbrite in order to get email updates and for COVID-19 tracing precautions.

Catering from Cyndee Starr and Chef Jessica of Ketapanen Kitchen

Feel free to share our flyer on your social media!







Our Flyer! Heading link

green, yellow, black and white flyer with powwow information

Feel free to share our flyer!

Event Location Heading link

A visual map of the field at Halsted and Roosevelt

The event will take place at North Field on the UIC campus which is the NW corner of Halsted and Roosevelt, see map below.

Parking is available at 1135 S Morgan St, Chicago, IL 60607.